Better friends

Before my husband and I hang the phone, we always say, I love you. We will be divorced in June. We do genuinely love one another and yet we also know that we are better as friends. Maybe it’s our age and each of us already having one difficult divorce under our belt that has … More Better friends

The Aftermath

Sometimes…sometimes after making a decision to do something because you can not live another moment without making that decision, you crack. Your nervous system goes on the fritz when the reality of your audible words set in; you scramble to undo it, to bring everything back to the way it was. To the safe place … More The Aftermath

What if?

Last night was rough. I tossed and turned, sweaty, achy and frustrated that my legs had little room to stretch with my cat hogging the bed. Normally, even this mild discomfort, would make my nervous system freak out! When I am uncomfortable, I’d normally go into panic and fix it mode. My form of control … More What if?


If you’ve been following my story, you may be wondering what happened with the person that literally changed the course of my life. The time between the retreat, my divorce and a few years into being single, our relationship became fragmented, diluted. It’s not surprising as I had changed the playing field, thus the rules … More James

The Retreat

A continuation from The Invitation It’s been a very long time since the post above. There are 10 excuses why I stopped, none of them good really. I feel very emotional as I sit here and begin to pick up where I left off. It’s time to finish my story. I will do my best … More The Retreat